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shareReplay() operator can cause memory leak

When not setting refCount: true for the shareReplay() operator, it will never unsubscribe to its upstream observable even if all downstream observable have unsubscribed.

import { interval, tap, shareReplay, takeUntil } from 'rxjs';

const observable$ = interval(100).pipe(
tap(() => console.log('tick')),
// takeUntil(cancelEvent$), // Can also be added to cancel subscribtion
// shareReplay({bufferSize: 1, refCount: true}) // shareReplay with refCount=true unsubscribes parent if no subscribers are left
shareReplay(1) // even with unsubscribe tick is printed in console

const subscription = observable$.subscribe(console.log);

setTimeout(() => {subscription.unsubscribe()}, 500)

High order operators with marbles

it('switchMap', marbles((m) => {
const source = m.cold('ab', {a: 'a', b: 'b'});
const dest = source.pipe(
switchMap(query => m.cold('---c-d', {c: query + '1', d: query + '2'}))

m.expect(dest).toBeObservable('----g-h', {g: 'b1', h: 'b2'});

it('mergeMap', marbles((m) => {
const source = m.cold('ab', {a: 'a', b: 'b'});
const dest = source.pipe(
mergeMap(query => m.cold('---c-d', {c: query + '1', d: query + '2'}))

m.expect(dest).toBeObservable('---efgh', {e: 'a1', f: 'b1', g: 'a2', h: 'b2'});

it('concatMap', marbles((m) => {
const source = m.cold('ab', {a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c'});
const dest = source.pipe(
concatMap(query => m.cold('--c-d|', {c: query + '1', d: query + '2'}))

m.expect(dest).toBeObservable('--e-f--g-h', {e: 'a1', f: 'a2', g: 'b1', h: 'b2'});

it('exhaustMap', marbles((m) => {
const source = m.cold('ab', {a: 'a', b: 'b'});
const dest = source.pipe(
exhaustMap(query => m.cold('---c-d', {c: query + '1', d: query + '2'}))

m.expect(dest).toBeObservable('---g-h', {g: 'a1', h: 'a2'});